Singing Guide: The Afters

Singing Guide: The Afters

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Afters are an American Christian pop rock band from Mesquite, Texas. They have released six studio albums and have had numerous hits in the Christian music charts. Vocalist Josh Havens has a distinct, high tenor voice with a bright, emotive quality that complements the band's uplifting lyrics and energetic sound.

To learn how to sing like Josh Havens of The Afters, it is important to focus on a few key areas. First, work on developing your vocal range and control. The vocal range test on Singing Carrots can help you identify your current range and work towards expanding it.

Secondly, pay attention to your breathing and posture when you sing. The breath support article on Singing Carrots can provide some helpful tips for this.

Thirdly, listen closely to Josh Havens's vocal style. He often uses vibrato to add emotion and nuance to his singing, as demonstrated in the Vibrato video reference. He also frequently employs a chest voice register to achieve the band's signature upbeat sound, which is further discussed in our Singing Comfort Zone video reference.

One of The Afters' most popular songs is "Light Up the Sky," which features Josh Havens's soaring tenor vocals and a catchy chorus. You can use this song as a reference point for practicing your vocal control and vibrato.

Another popular song by The Afters is "You Lift Me Up," which showcases Josh Havens's impressive upper range and his ability to transition between chest and head voice registers. You can use this song to practice your own vocal transitions by paying attention to where Havens makes these changes.

Additionally, Singing Carrots's singing course is a great resource for singers of all levels to learn more about proper vocal techniques, breathing, and posture. It provides 21 lessons covering singing theory and practical tips.

By working on your vocal range, breath support, and studying the unique vocal style of Josh Havens, you will be well on your way to singing like The Afters. Practice makes perfect, and with Singing Carrots's resources, you'll be well-equipped to enhance your singing skills and become an accomplished vocalist.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.